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Eyebrow Treatment

Permanent Make Up

From £150


Permanent makeup, also known as micropigmentation or cosmetic tattooing, is a specialised technique that involves depositing pigments into the dermal layer of the skin to enhance or mimic the appearance of traditional makeup. Unlike traditional makeup that needs to be applied daily, permanent makeup provides long-lasting results.

The primary goal of permanent makeup is to enhance facial features, create symmetry, and provide a natural-looking result. It can be particularly beneficial for individuals who have sparse eyebrows, thin lips, or those who struggle with applying makeup due to various reasons such as visual impairments or allergies.

It's important to note that while permanent makeup is long-lasting, it may still require touch-ups and maintenance over time to keep the color fresh and vibrant. Factors such as sun exposure, skin type, and individual metabolism can affect the longevity of the pigments.

Ombre (Powdered)Eyebrows From £250

Eyeliner Top and Bottom From £175
Eyeliner Top From £150

Lip blush From £250

Colour Boost
6-12 months £50
12-18 months £100
18-24 months £150
24-36 months + £200
3+ Years - Full Price

Permanent makeup ombre brows, also known as powdered brows or shading, is a technique used to enhance and define the eyebrows. It involves depositing pigment into the skin that creates a soft, gradient effect. The result is a more filled-in, fuller-looking eyebrow with a subtle gradient from lighter to darker shades.

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